HODLong 后浪

Ep.0 [CN+EN]: Hello World from HODLong 后浪!

Episode Summary

您现在收听的是《后浪》,我是主理人Mable。本节目旨在和听众一起探索 Web3 社区的发展,对话嘉宾包括项目运营者、投资人、其他生态系统参与者等,并将特别关注于亚洲的Web3社区。 连接东西,做最有温度的 Web3 对话。 You're now listening to HODLong. I’m the host, Mable Jiang. This show attempts to shed light on the broader Web3 community. The guests will include Web3 operators, investors, or ecosystem participants of other forms. The show will also have a special focus on the Asia-based Web3 world. Connect east and west, enjoy the warmest Web3 conversation.