HODLong 后浪

Ep.18 [EN]: Jay Jog: Building Sei Network, a Sector-specific L1 that optimizes for on-chain orderbook

Episode Summary

In this episode I invited Jay Jog, the cofounder of Sei Labs, to discuss the optimization and innovation that Sei Network has done for on-chain orderbook trading. We touched upon some interesting topics such as the MEVs on different L1s and how the orderbook matching engine on Sei works.

Episode Notes

Show notes:

Core team members' background and why did they start Sei Labs

The purpose of Sei Network  

Sei's optimization done for the on-chain orderbook  

About front-running prevention and MEV opportunities

User experience on Sei that optimized for trading on chain 

Comparing the order matching engine with Serum 

Cross-chain bridging  

The roadblocks for on-chain orderbook DEXs to get mass adoption  

How can someone build with Sei and apply for the ecosystem fund today


推特:  @SeiNetwork / @jayendra_jog

网站: linktr.ee/seinetwork


重要声明:Mable Jiang或嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。Mable Jiang有时可能会在此节目中讨论的某项目中持有头寸。


Twitter:  @SeiNetwork / @jayendra_jog

Website: linktr.ee/seinetwork


Important Disclaimers: All opinions expressed by Mable Jiang, or other podcast guests, are solely their opinion. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Mable Jiang may hold positions in some of the projects discussed on this show.


Relevant Links:

Whitepaper: https://docs.seinetwork.io/introduction/overview

Apply for Sei Ecosystem Fund: https://y8e47wadwqp.typeform.com/to/Ia7t8DxY