HODLong 后浪

Ep.39 [EN]: Zedd: Unpacking the long march of Magic Eden towards the market winner

Episode Summary

In this episode you're going to find out why Magic Eden can arise to today's absolute No.1 market share in NFT Marketplace space.

Episode Notes

I was friend with Zedd (who I know by Zhuoxun) for many years - we joined the space at the same time. I think we met the first week Zedd working at dydx. It's very encouraging to see how well Magic Eden is doing today, and impressed by all the efforts, regardless whether successful or unsuccessful they are, the team had made over the past 3 years, through the thick and thin. 


Twitter: @MagicEden / @ZhuoxunYin

Website: https://magiceden.io/

Previous Episode 5 with Zedd on HODLong: 
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hodlong-%E5%90%8E%E6%B5%AA/id1622341355?i=1000568891660
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6Xh9v6WIaBI4xZlbO4Ze57?si=sVLDOKGJRJ28kbf_qIJO7Q 
Xiaoyuzhou: https://www.xiaoyuzhoufm.com/episode/62c448a7f271db566a67765d